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About Yasamin

Yasamin [/yas.mːin/ or /ya.səmːin] (she/they/او) is a polyglot actor and social media scholar. Her academic work is focused on the intersection of feminist critical data studies, new media, and performance studies by employing digital humanities tools and data-driven approaches. Her research is focused on social media activism and feminist movements such as the #metoo movement.  Her doctoral dissertation is focused on instapoetry, data culture, and online activism, in which she studies new performative and literary creations born of pop culture on digital platforms. She is the co-founder of DLC+, previously known as Instasociety,  an open-access research network and resource for scholars exploring digital literary culture. Yasamin’s works have appeared in academic journals such as Digital Humanities Quarterly, Journal of Gender Studies, European Journal of English Studies,  and Critical Studies in Media Communication. Her research was presented at various conferences held by prominent academic Associations.


As an actor, she is committed to understanding a character on different layers and embodying it by bringing it to life in its purest form and truest version. She believes in stories and thinks stories are truly all we are left with. Her acting career began at an early age in the theatre medium. In Tehran, Paris, Berlin, and Bologna, Yasamin has received various acting trainings prior to moving to Miami. She later began acting on the camera and was trained and coached by professionals in the United States. Professionally, she has worked as a theater actor in Tehran, Iran, and since 2019, she has taken courses at the University of Miami's Theatre Department and Film School. She had accomplished her training at Miami Acting Studio.

Yasamin fluently speaks and has academically taught English, Italian, French, and Persian. Blogging about her life journey from Tehran to Europe and later to the U.S. as an immigrant, as well as languages, arts and cultures, she is an avid blogger on Instagram. Through her project Rahsaz, she attempted to help and encourage young college students interested in Arts and Humanities to apply for graduate schools through Instagram lives, interviews, and one-on-one coaching during the pandemic.


Through her scholarship, creative work, and social media platform, Yasamin highlights and supports the ongoing Iran revolution, known as Women, Life, and Freedom, and she advocates for diversity, equity, and inclusion for the Iranian diaspora in the United States.​



Ph.D. in Cultural, Literary & Linguistic Studies - In Progress

University of Miami

M.S. in Chemical & Process Engineering

University of Bologna

Cognate: Performance and Media Studies 

Literary Expertise: Theatre in France and Italy, 20th and 21st century

Certificate: Digital Humanities

Teaching Languages: French, Italian, and Persian

B.S. in Chemical & Process Engineering

University of Tehran

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